Therefore, Red Eléctrica formalized its commitment to the fight against climate change by approving a specific strategy called Climate Change Commitment, and an action plan which sets out the objectives and concrete actions to be developed in the coming years.


Integration of renewable energies. We develop the necessary transmission infrastructures to facilitate the evacuation of renewable energies and we implement new technical operation solutions, through our Control Centre of Renewable Energies (CECRE), in order to maximize the safe integration of these energies into the electricity system.

Energy efficiency. We drive demand-side management initiatives aimed at achieving greater efficiency in the operation of the electricity system, which we supplement with other measures aimed at the efficiency of the Company’s own energy consumption.

Emissions reduction. We have calculated the carbon footprint and have set reduction targets, amongst which of note are the measures taken to minimize emissions of SF6.

Woodland Protection. Aware of the importance of tree masses as CO2 sinks, we work with three complementary approaches: minimization of the loss of woodland associated with the introduction of electricity grids, optimization of the maintenance of power line security corridors in order to prevent forest fires and finally the development of reforestation projects to offset part of the emissions generated by the company.

Adaptation to climate change. We evaluate the potential risks that climate change may have on our activity as transmission agent and operator of the electricity system, and we assess actions to address identified risks.

Extending our commitment to stakeholders. Communication of our carbon footprint, collaboration on initiatives to combat climate change, carrying out of awareness campaigns and carrying over our commitments to the Company’s value chain.

Red Eléctrica plays a key role in the implementation of energy policies designed to respond to the challenges posed by climate change.