We are a global operator of essential infrastructure
We protect and preserve biodiversity by making it a priority in our environmental management. We have undertaken a specific commitment to biodiversity in order to advance towards our 2030 objective: to generate a net positive impact on terrestrial and marine biodiversity, and on the overall natural capital in the vicinity of our new facilities.

Together with our commitment to biodiversity, at Redeia we also have a commitment to protect vegetation and fight against deforestation, contributing to the protection of nature.
By selecting the right location for our infrastructures, designing them carefully and applying preventive and corrective measures during their construction and maintenance, we avoid and reduce the impact on vegetation as much as possible. This ensures that our activities do not involve deforestation or loss of biodiversity.

Our existing sustainability roadmap includes eight biodiversity targets and 12 actions to reverse the loss and degradation of natural capital and biodiversity through the application of the mitigation hierarchy in business and its inclusion in corporate decision-making processes. Our 2025 targets include:
Signalling 100% of Red Eléctrica’s critical electricity spans with bird protections.
Compensate for all trees removed in 100% of our investment projects.
Our Commitment to biodiversity is inspired by the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and its 2050 vision "living in harmony with nature" as well as SDGs 13, 14, 15 and 17 of the 2030 Agenda.

All of our biodiversity protection and conservation measures are implemented in accordance with national and international standards such as the Kunmig-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, the European Green Pact, the National Strategic Plan for Natural Heritage and Biodiversity 2030, among others.

To amplify our positive contribution to biodiversity, we collaborate with public administration, NGOs and other stakeholders in projects that promote environmental and social development.

The transmission grid of our subsidiary Red Eléctrica is an effective tool that contributes to halting the loss of biodiversity: they connect territories and increase the density of flora and fauna.
Since 2020, together with the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the Bulfavent association, we have been researching the use made by flora and fauna of power lines.
The main conclusion is that our facilities play a role as biodiversity corridors and compose a discontinuous mosaic of unique refuges for open space species. These islands of biodiversity are vital spaces that connect ecosystems and increase the density of flora and fauna.
As a result of this study, we have detected colonies of ant butterflies, an endangered species, and a large number of orchids under our lines in Catalonia.
Video available only in Spanish.