
The Company pays an interim dividend at the close of the fiscal year, and a supplementary dividend once the dividend for the fiscal year has been approved by the General Shareholders' Meeting at the proposal of the Board of Directors.

Payment of gross complementary dividend

Redeia Board of Directors, on 25 th February 2025, has agreed to propose to the Annual General Meeting the allocation of a complementary dividend in the following terms:

Payment Date: 1st July 2025
Record Date: 30th June 2025
Ex-Date: 27th June 2025
Gross interim dividend per share: 0.6000 Euros

Payment of the dividend will be made to all shares entitled to a dividend, in accordance the current regulation related to the Spanish Central Securities Depository (IBERCLEAR), being Banco Bilbao Vizcaya the agent on dividend payments, and it will be subject to the related withholding tax at the moment of payment.

The amount is in line with the dividend policy that the company has established in the framework of its 2021-2025 strategic plan, which sets a floor of 0.80 euros per share charged to the results of the years 2024 and 2025.

Dividend per share (€)

Dividend per share (€)

Dividend history

YearConceptPayment dateEx dateDividends per share (euros)
2023Supplementary dividend2024/07/012024/06/280.7273
Interim dividend2024/01/052024/01/030.2727
Total  1.0000
2022Supplementary dividend2023/07/032023/06/290.7273
Interim dividend2023/01/092023/01/050.2727
Total  1.0000
2021Supplementary dividend2022/07/012022/06/300.7273
Interim dividend2022/01/072022/01/050.2727
Total  1.0000
2020Supplementary dividend2021/07/022021/06/300.7273
Interim dividend2021/01/072021/01/050.2727
Total  1.0000
2019Supplementary dividend2020/07/072020/06/290.7792
Interim dividend2020/01/072020/01/030.2727
Total  1.0519
2018Supplementary dividend2019/07/012019/06/270.7104
Interim dividend2019/01/082019/01/040.2727
Total  0.9831
2017Supplementary dividend2018/07/022018/06/280.6639
Interim dividend2018/01/052018/01/030.2549
Total  0.9188
2016Supplementary dividend2017/07/032017/06/290.6205
Interim dividend2017/01/052017/01/030.2382
Total  0.8587
2015Supplementary dividend2016/07/01 0.5799
Interim dividend2016/01/04 0.2226
Total  0.8025
2014Supplementary dividend2015/07/01 0.5419
Interim dividend2015/01/02 0.2081
Total  0.75
2013Supplementary dividend2014/07/01 0.4547
Interim dividend2014/01/02 0.1809
Total  0.6356
2012Supplementary dividend2013/07/01 0.4222
Interim dividend2013/01/02 0.1691
Total  0.5913
2011Supplementary dividend2012/07/02 0.384
Interim dividend2012/01/02 0.1691
Total  0.5531
2010Supplementary dividend2011/07/01 0.3217
Interim dividend2011/01/03 0.1471
Total  0.4688
2009Supplementary dividend2010/07/01 0.2417
Interim dividend2010/01/04 0.1279
Total  0.3696
2008Supplementary dividend2009/07/01 0.2078
Interim dividend2009/01/02 0.1222
Total  0.33
2007Supplementary dividend2008/07/01 0.1751
Interim dividend2008/01/02 0.0967
Total  0.2718
2006Supplementary dividend2007/07/02 0.1434
Interim dividend2007/01/02 0,0813
Total  0,2247
2005Supplementary dividend2006/07/03 0,1149
Interim dividend2006/01/02 0,0677
Total  0,1826
2004Supplementary dividend2005/07/01 0,0941
Interim dividend2005/01/03 0.0594
Total  0.1535
2003Supplementary dividend2004/07/01 0.084
Interim dividend2004/01/02 0.053
Total  0.137
2002Supplementary dividend2003/07/01 0.0725
Interim dividend2003/01/03 0.0475
Total  0.12
2001Supplementary dividend2002/07/02 0.0688
Interim dividend2002/01/03 0.045
Total  0.1138
2000Supplementary dividend2001/07/03 0.0613
Interim dividend2001/01/02 0.0425
Total  0.1038
1999Supplementary dividend2000/07/03 0.0538
Interim dividend1999/11/22 0.0375
Total  0.0913