We are a global operator of essential infrastructure
Telematic assistance
The venue for the General Shareholders’ Meeting will be the Company’s Head Office.
Notwithstanding the possibility to opt for the procedure for remote delegation, voting and information prior to the holding of the Ordinary General Meeting, shareholders and their proxies may attend the General Meeting by telematic means and cast their vote through this mechanism, under the Procedure for Telematic attendance to the General Meeting and the norms and instructions for the development of their operations.
Procedure for proxies, voting and attendance at the General Shareholders' Meeting 2024 by remote means
Shareholders, or their designated representatives, who wish to attend the Meeting via electronic communications means, must register on our electronic platform in order to participate in said Meeting. The platform will be available from 12:00 am on 19 May 2024 and no later than 12:00 am on 2 June 2024.
Have you registered on our telematic assistance platform?
If you are a registered user of the telematic assistance platform and you have your access credentials, we would like to inform you that the quorum required to hold the General Meeting on first call has not been reached. Therefore, the General Meeting shall be held on SECOND CALL, on 4 June 2024 at the place and time indicated in the Call Notice. To participate, you must connect between 9:45 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. on 4 June 2024.
The platform can be used to cast your vote, intervene and follow the event via live streaming.
- Shareholders who do not connect within the time slot indicated will not be able to participate in the Meeting.
- Should you only wish to watch the live streaming of the Meeting, connect at any time as of 11 a.m. on 4 June 2024, via the General Meeting Webcast section of our corporate website.
Access the telematic assistance platform for the General Shareholders' Meeting
If you are a shareholder, you only need to register on said platform where you will find details about the different ways in which you can access information and sign-up in order to attend and participate in the Meeting via electronic communication means.

If you have been appointed as a shareholder representative (designated proxy holder), the procedure is different, but we can help you simplify it.
You just need to follow the following steps:
Send us an email through the Shareholder Information Office of Redeia Corporación, S.A., to the following mailboxes juntaaccionistas@redeia.com o accionistas@redeia.com, including the following information:
- Your full name and surname, along with your National Identification document or passport (or equivalent identification) and the full name and surname as well as the National Identification document or passport (or equivalent identification) of the person whom you represent (in the case they are a natural person) or the company name and the Tax Identification Number (in the case it is a legal entity).
- Digitized copy of the shareholder's attendance card duly completed and signed by both the shareholder and you as the representative who accepts the appointment as proxy holder. Nonetheless, we request insofar as possible, you please send us the original attendance card prior to the scheduled date for the holding of the General Shareholders’ Meeting to our Registered Office, located at Pº del Conde de los Gaitanes, 177, postal code 28109 Alcobendas (Madrid), Spain.
- Digitized copy of the public deed that accredits you as a representative in the event that the shareholder is a legal entity.
- Valid email address where you wish to receive user and password credentials to attend and participate in the General Meeting remotely as stipulated on the notice of meeting and in the rules and instructions for the procedure posted on the Company’s website www.redeia.com.
- In the event that you have been appointed as a representative of more than one shareholder, you must send us the information indicated in the aforementioned requirements for each of the shareholders that you represent, whether they be individuals or legal entities.
- Once the information is received, the Company will verify this information as appropriate on receipt and will validate the digitised copies submitted for the above purposes where there are no reasonable doubts as to the identity of the person exercising the right to vote and will send the credentials with the username and password at the email address submitted to enable to participate and vote at the General Meeting remotely. The Company reserves the right to ask shareholders or their proxies for any additional means of identification that it deems necessary to verify their status as shareholders or proxies and ensure authenticity.