Compliance culture

For Red Eléctrica, ethics and compliance are fundamental pillars in the undertaking and execution of its activity, which means maintaining an honest, ethical and transparent business conduct in the relationship and commitment it has with all its stakeholders.

ValuesHonesty in relationsExcellence
All suppliers having a contractual relationship with us must respect our Suppliers Code of ConductWe expect impeccable working relationships, with all corrupt practices prohibitedWe demand the same best practices standards from our suppliers that we demand of ourselves

The Group has different mechanisms to strengthen our integrity and prevent bribery and corruption in our relations with our suppliers:

  • A Code of Ethics and Conduct that contains the ethical conduct guidelines to be followed, formulated through principles and commitments, and constitutes a firm commitment by the Company to ethical and transparent management as the engine to consolidate its image and achieve an enhanced reputation.
  • A Suppliers code of conduct which is intended to spread and promote responsible values and practices for the suppliers' working and professional conduct within their different areas of activity.
  • A Compliance Policy that establishes the principles that govern the Group’s commitment to prevent, detect and respond to any behaviour that goes against the legal obligations and commitments that the company has voluntarily accepted.
  • A Criminal and Anti-Bribery Compliance System which is the model for preventing, supervising and monitoring criminal risks and preventing bribery.
  • Guide to prevent corruption: Zero tolerance that establishes the principles and mechanisms for implementing impeccable business relationships. This implies the prohibition of all corrupt practices, bribery or enabling payments of any kind, in accordance with the values and commitments in the Code of Ethics and Conduct.
  • Implementation of controls to mitigate potential risks for supplier non-compliance with a standard or law, such as conducting social audits, segregation of functions in the purchasing process and the implementation of the process in its entirety through systems that allow regular audits and traceability.
  • Due diligence process to establish the criteria and measures necessary to provide the Group with a suitable method for selecting and monitoring the integrity of any third parties with whom it has a relationship, including its suppliers.


The company also has a Data Protection Compliance System with specific mechanisms to regulate and adapt to the General Data Protection Regulations and the Organic Law on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights in contracts for services that require the processing of personal details by the suppliers responsible for this processing, to guarantee that the data in question is suitably protected.

Through its codes, policies, systems and guides, the company demands that its own employees and those of third parties who act on its behalf or with whom it has ties in the course of its activities comply with the highest integrity standards when carrying out their business activities by not offering bribes, hospitality, illicit payments or any kind of gift to any company employee, nor engage in illicit business practices that act against free competition, nor may they disclose nor use confidential information improperly for their own benefit. They must encourage the commitment to responsible purchasing in all provisioning processes.

In addition, suppliers must establish vigilance against corrupt practices in their area of activity.

We make various channels available to our suppliers to facilitate and improve our attention towards them. Any queries or possible breaches of the Code of Ethics and Conduct and the Supplier Code of Conduct must be addressed to the Ethics Manager through the Ethics and Compliance Channel.