We are a global operator of essential infrastructure
Committees are constituted by the Board of Directors to support those responsibilities inherent to it; said committees are of a highly technical nature and are established in order to achieve greater efficiency and transparency. Noteworthy is the fact that the creation of the Sustainability Committee is motivated by the strategic nature that sustainability has for Redeia.
The following committees are currently in place: the Audit Committee, the Appointments and Remuneration Committee and the Sustainability Committee. The duties and responsibilities of the Committees are established in the Corporate Bylaws and the Regulations of the Board of Directors, which are adapted to current legislation and to the recommendations contained in the Unified Code of Good Governance.
The Committees of the Board are comprised of qualified professionals, with very relevant responsibilities in other institutions and companies outside Red Eléctrica. All directors are external members, with a majority of independent directors. There are no Board members who belong to more than one Committee, therefore ensuring full independence of the Committees. These Committees are chaired by independent directors.