Leadership and Excellence in Sustainability

Our commitment to excellence in sustainability is substantiated by obtaining several external certifications from prestigious certifying entities, as well as our ranking in major international sustainability indices.


We are leaders in sustainability

We are part of the most renowned sustainability indices:
  • Dow Jones Sustainability Indices
  • Euronext Vigeo Eiris
  • FTSE4Good
  • ECPI
  • Bloomberg
  • CDP
  • MSCI
  • Ethibel Excellence
  • Ethibel Excellence Global
  • Corporate ESG Performance
  • blank

    In 2022, Standard & Poor's rated Redeia's ESG performance with a score of 82 out of 100.


    In December 2023, Redeia reaffirms its presence in the DJSI World in its latest edition, scoring 83 out of 100 points.

    Sustainability indices

    The group's sustainability performance is continuously analysed and evaluated, and the results are used by socially responsible investors when designing their investment portfolios.

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    Redeia is once again included in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index. The company reaffirms its presence in the DJSI World in its latest edition.


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    Redeia has been recognised as one of the world's most sustainable companies in the Electric Utilities sector. The company has achieved an overall score of 86 out of 100. This makes it one of the 15 Spanish companies included in this global benchmark index.


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    The Red Eléctrica Group has been recognised as one of the best companies globally in the field of sustainability in the Electric Utilities sector.

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    The Red Eléctrica Group has been recognised as one of the world's best companies in the field of sustainability in the Electric Utilities sector.

    Logo MSCI

    The Red Eléctrica Group has obtained the highest rating (AAA) awarded by the Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) rating agency and is ranked first in its sector in the ESG rating by ISS ESG.

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    The Red Eléctrica Group has been recognised as one of the world's best companies globally in the field of sustainability in the Electric Utilities sector. Red Eléctrica is one of the four ‘utilities’ present both globally (DJSI World) and at the European level (DJSI Europe).


    Red Eléctrica renews its ranking in the FTSE4Good index as a result of its strong commitment to sustainability.

    Main awards and recognitions

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    The group is considered one of the ten most sustainable companies in the world in its sector, according to the Sustainability Yearbook 2022.

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    The Sustainability Yearbook 2021 has awarded the Red Eléctrica Group the Silver Class distinction in the Electric Utilities sector, published by S&P Global.

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    The Red Eléctrica Group has obtained the SAM Silver Class distinction due to the score achieved by the company in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index.

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    Red Eléctrica achieves the highest Gold Class recognition from RobecoSAM as a leading sustainability company in the utilities sector.

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    Red Eléctrica is included in the CDP’s A list. This list includes companies identified as LEADERS for their efforts and actions to combat climate change.

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    Red Eléctrica receives the 'Good Practice of the Year' award from RGI (Renewables Grid Initiative) for the restoration project of Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows, in the Environmental Protection category.

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    Red Eléctrica ranks second in the utilities sector in the Corporate Responsibility Review 2017 conducted by Oekom.

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    Red Eléctrica has been named the company with the best corporate governance in the utilities sector in Europe and Africa, a recognition granted by the British magazine Ethical Boardroom.

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    Red Eléctrica, the first among Spanish companies, ranks 51st in the ‘Gender Equality Global Report & Ranking’ by EQUILEAP.

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    Red Eléctrica has been recognised for its employees' commitment with the Korn Ferry Employee Engagement Awards.

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    Red Eléctrica leads the Vigeo Eiris ranking in Human Rights, obtaining the highest rating for its performance and good practices in this area, as stated in the study The Human Rights responsibilities of business in a changing world.

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    Red Eléctrica receives the Silver Class distinction from RobecoSAM for its leadership position in sustainability.

    Excellence and certifications

    The achievement of business excellence through the application of efficient and sustainable management models is a cornerstone of Redeia's corporate culture. The company's commitment to excellence is reinforced by obtaining external certifications from prestigious certifying entities. They ensure that the organisation successfully implements certifiable management systems in its activities. In this regard, Redeia’s main companies have quality systems certified with ISO 9001.

    Noteworthy is the certification of the international standard UNE-ISO 19650-1 and UNE-ISO 19650-2 related to Information Management Systems for the construction of buildings and civil engineering works, which use the Building Information Modelling (BIM) collaborative work methodology in the construction project of the Salto de Chira pumped storage hydroelectric power station in Gran Canaria.

    Red Eléctrica adopted the EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) excellence model in 1999 as a tool to achieve enhanced performance in the Company’s management and since then, it conducts external evaluations regularly as required by this model.

    In 2022, Redeia carried out the external assessment of Red Eléctrica Corporación S.A. and Red Eléctrica de España S.A.U. in accordance with the EFQM 2020 model, obtaining a score of over 700 points and, therefore, was granted the EFQM 700+ Seal of Excellence for Innovation and Sustainability. Following this assessment, the model will be extended to the rest of Redeia's activities.

    • 2022: External assessment of Red Eléctrica Corporación S.A. and Red Eléctrica de España S.A.U. in accordance with the EFQM 2020 model, obtaining a score of over 700 points and, therefore, the EFQM 700+ Seal of Excellence for Innovation and Sustainability.
    • 2020: Preservation of the European Seal of Excellence 500+.
    • 2019: Red Eléctrica was the winner of the 1st National Award for Excellent, Innovative and Sustainable Management, granted by the Excellence in Management Club, the EFQM’s representative in Spain. Red Eléctrica was chosen by the panel for its excellence in management and the Company’s sustainable and innovative management over time.
    • 2019: Preservation of the European Seal of Excellence 500+.
    • 2018 and 2019: Red Eléctrica was recognised with the title of European Excellence Ambassador by the Excellence in Management Club, the EFQM’s representative in Spain.
    • 2017: Renewal of the European Seal of Excellence 500+ with a score over 700 points
    • 2016: Red Eléctrica continues to hold the seal and has developed an Excellence Plan with improvement actions derived from the 2015 excellence evaluation.
    • 2015: Renewal of the European Seal of Excellence 500+ according to the EFQM 2013 model, granted by the Excellence in Management Club, achieving over 700 points.
    • 2015: The project ‘Birds and power lines: Mapping of bird flight paths’ received the certificate of highly distinguished good practice from EFQM 2015.
    • 2014: Red Eléctrica continues to hold the seal 500+, which was renewed in 2013 and granted by the Excellence in Management Club.
    • 2013: Renewal of the European Seal of Excellence 500+ according to the EFQM 2013 model, scoring 678 points. This advancement positioned Red Eléctrica, nationally, as the company with the highest score among the seals issued by the Excellence in Management Club.
    • 2011: Red Eléctrica entered the EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) Excellence Award, reaching 650 points. The nomination resulted in Red Eléctrica winning an award in the category ‘Taking responsibility for a sustainable future.’ It was the first time the company participated in these awards, considered the highest European exponent of business excellence. In addition to the award, EFQM highlighted Red Eléctrica's management as a ‘good practice,’ not only in the award-winning category but also in ‘Achieving balanced results’ and ‘Adding value for customers’.
    • 2005: Red Eléctrica was recognised with the Prince Felipe Award for Business Excellence in the category of Industrial Quality. This award has become the most prestigious recognition for business excellence in Spain.
    • 2003: Red Eléctrica became the first Spanish electric company to obtain the European Seal of Excellence +500 points, granted by the Excellence in Management Club, the EFQM’s representative in our country. This biannual recognition has been renewed in subsequent years.
    • 2002: Red Eléctrica obtained the Madrid Seal of Excellence, granted by the Community of Madrid to companies that invest in innovation and constant improvement, people's satisfaction, and an active contribution to economic and social development. This seal has been renewed in subsequent years.
    • 2001: Red Eléctrica underwent the first external evaluation according to the EFQM model, achieving the European Seal of Excellence +400 recognition, granted by the Excellence in Management Club.
    • 1999: Red Eléctrica adopted the European EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) model

    We design and implement certifiable management systems, ensuring that all company activities are certified according to international standards.

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    Quality Management System
    Since 1999, Red Eléctrica has implemented and certified a Quality Management System covering all its business activities, following the UNE-EN ISO 9001 standard.
    This Quality Management System is based on a process and product approach. Besides, it aims to satisfy stakeholders while adhering to the guideline of continuous improvement to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the organisation's activities.

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    Environmental Management System

    • Red Eléctrica and Red Eléctrica Corporación have had an Environmental Management System implemented since 1999. This system is certified according to the UNE-EN ISO 14001 standard, covering all their activities.
    • Moreover, since 2001, they have continuously held their adherence to the EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) and the Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1505 of 28 August 2017. This made them the first company in the Spanish electrical sector to be included in the EMAS registry.
    • EMAS requirements exceed those of the UNE-EN ISO 14001 environmental standard, making it the most demanding environmental management certification in Europe. Among the requirements, we find the obligation to periodically issue public environmental declarations, validated by an independent environmental verifier. These declarations must inform stakeholders and society about the company's environmental performance. In the Spanish Red Eléctrica, the environmental declaration is submitted annually.
    • In recognition of the 20th anniversary of EMAS, the European Commission awarded Red Eléctrica the Commemorative Silver Certificate in 2015 for having more than 10 years of registration and meeting EMAS registry requirements. Red Eléctrica Andina (Peru) has held an Environmental Management System certification according to the UNE-EN ISO 14001 standard since 2007.
    • In 2023, the coverage percentage of the EMS certified, audited and verified by ISO/EMAS in Redeia, was 90%.
    • Of the remaining 10% of Redeia's uncertified business, none (0%) is certified, audited or verified only by third parties specialized companies, and none (0%) is certified, audited and verified internally only by Redeia’s own specialists.

    IQNet ISO 14001 Certificate for Red Eléctrica Corporación

    AENOR ISO 14001 Certificate for Red Eléctrica Andina

    AENOR ISO 14001 Certificate for Red Eléctrica Corporación

    EMAS Certificate of Registration for Red Eléctrica Corporación


    Certificado Aenor Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo

    Occupational Health and Safety Management System
    The company has implemented an Occupational Health and Safety Management SystemISO 45001.

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    Healthy Workplace Management System
    In 2022, Redeia obtained certification for the Healthy Workplace Management System. Its purpose goes beyond the prevention of injuries and health decline of employees and family lifestyles. It also involves implementing the appropriate culture to be a healthy workplace, thus achieving an improvement in the communities where Redeia operates.

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    Certificado efr
    In 2009, the Spanish Red Eléctrica obtained the EFR certificate.
    This certificate, promoted by the Másfamilia Foundation and supported by the Ministry of Health and Social Policy, recognises organisations that engage in creating a new work culture. This involves incorporating a comprehensive management system that allows for effective harmony between the work and personal/family spheres. The approach is based on flexibility, mutual respect, and commitment.

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    IQNet SR10 Certificate
    In 2009, the Spanish Red Eléctrica obtained certification for the Corporate Responsibility Management System in compliance with the RS10 guide: Social Responsibility Management System, from AENOR. In 2012, RS10 was replaced by the international standard IQNet SR10, developed by IQNet, an international certification network.
    This standard establishes the requirements that a social responsibility management system must meet for organisations committed to existing principles and recommendations on sustainable development and social responsibility, particularly those outlined in ISO 26000.

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    Energy Management System
    In 2011, Red Eléctrica obtained the Energy Management System certification according to the UNE-EN 50001 standard. This certification applies to the energy management activities of the buildings that make up the company's headquarters.
    The certification of an energy management system ensures systematic control and monitoring of energy aspects and continuous improvement of energy performance. This contributes to more efficient and sustainable energy use, instilling confidence in the management system.

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    Criminal Compliance Management Systems
    In 2020, Red Eléctrica obtained the UNE 19601 Criminal Compliance Management Systems certification. This certification establishes requirements for preventing, detecting, and managing penal risks, ensuring compliance with legislation and other commitments voluntarily undertaken by the organisation.

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    Criminal and Anti-bribery Compliance System
    In 2020, Red Eléctrica obtained certification for the ISO 37001 international standard for Anti-Bribery Management Systems. This certification sets forth requirements for preventing, detecting, and managing bribery risks, ensuring compliance with legislation and other commitments voluntarily undertaken by the organisation.