We are a global operator of essential infrastructure
Ethics and compliance
Redeia has a Code of Ethics and Conduct that provides the reference framework to ensure responsible management and the ethical conduct of the members of the organisation in the performance of their duties and responsibilities. The code contains the corporate values and business conduct guidelines to be followed, formulated through principles and commitments, and constitutes a firm commitment by the Company to ethical and transparent management as the engine to consolidate its image and achieve an enhanced reputation.

We have appointed an "Ethics Manager" in order to deal with any doubts that may arise and to receive, analyse and resolve any grievances that may be submitted. Likewise, every year it prepares the "Annual report on the Management of the Code of Ethics and Conduct", which includes the circumstances that have occurred in relation to the corporate ethics management system of the Group.
Redeia, aware of the importance of the behaviour of its suppliers in its value chain, disseminates and promotes responsible values and behaviour through the Supplier Code of Conduct, which is in line with the Code of Ethics and Conduct.
Redeia Corporación S.A. and Red Eléctrica de España S.A.U. have obtained double certification from AENOR that verifies and accredits that the company has developed a criminal and anti-bribery compliance system that complies with the requirements of the reference standards UNE-ISO 37001 and UNE 19601.