We are a global operator of essential infrastructure
In this regard, and with the aim of integrating the creation of shared value into the local communities in which the Company’s facilities are located, Red Eléctrica maintains a firm commitment to joint collaboration by supporting projects that contribute to the well-being of the people and to the improvement of their municipalities. The main objective is to generate the capacity for development. To accomplish this, the Company establishes collaboration agreements which are usually geared towards projects regarding the reconditioning or creation of new municipal facilities and the conservation of the heritage, cultural and artistic wealth in the territory.
Local development. Red Eléctrica is involved in projects of social interest such as the construction and rehabilitation of facilities and equipment in order to improve the quality of life in municipalities and respond to the needs of localities. The Company collaborates on actions that benefit the greatest number of people and that are sustainable over time.
Archaeological and architectural heritage. Red Eléctrica collaborates in the study and protection of archaeological and architectural resources in Spain through programmes for the valorisation of the cultural heritage of municipalities. To this end, the Company participates in projects for the recovery and conservation of the artistic heritage and also for the research and dissemination of their wealth.
Support for local culture. Red Eléctrica supports municipalities in their efforts to maintain their traditions, understanding these as cultural wealth that contribute to strengthening the identity of regions and constitute a contribution to well-being and coexistence. The Company collaborates on activities that energise the cultural life of the localities, in addition to recognising rural areas as areas of life.