We are a global operator of essential infrastructure
Red Eléctrica is one of the founding members of this association, created on 19 December 2008. This association groups together all European TSOs and seeks to promote the operation of the internal electricity market and cross-border trade, as well as ensure the optimal management, coordinated operation and suitable technical evolution of the European electricity transmission grid.
During 2014 work has continued in the drafting of European Network Codes. In 2014 a new Network Code, ’Emergency and Restoration’, was added to the operational scope, bringing the total to 10 Network Codes:
Market Codes Codes for developing the Internal Electricity Market
- Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management
- Electricity Balancing
- Forward Capacity Allocation
- Operational Security
- Operational Planning and Scheduling
- Load frequency Control and Reserve
- Emergency and Restoration
- Requirements for Generators
- Demand Connection Code
- High Voltage Direct Current Connections
Contribution has also been made to the development of Regulation 347/2013, on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure and the Ten Year Network Development Plan 2014 (TYNDP 2014). Progress has also been made in the integration of markets for the internal energy market. With regard to the latter, noteworthy are the developments carried out for the implementation of the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform, the coupling of the NWE (North West Europe) day-ahead markets and the synchronized operations with SWE (South West Europe); performed simultaneously.
Organism whose main objective is to promote coordination between European operators to guarantee security of supply in electricity systems. This body has the functions of coordinating the programming of the operation in the systems of Western Europe, the analysis of the coverage of the region in the short and medium term; as well as the coordination of the calculation of the exchange capacity and the non-availabilities that can condition said capacity, for which it must build common network models based on the models supplied by each of the TSO members.
Organisation which groups together electricity companies, manufacturers of goods, engineering companies and research centres from around the world with the aim of exchanging technical knowledge. Red Eléctrica holds the position of President and Secretary of the Spanish Committee.
Association of electric power companies from the USA and affiliated international companies. Red Eléctrica participates in financial conferences with analysts and investors in the sector.
Red Eléctrica holds the position of Secretary of this organisation, which brings together RTE (France), REN (Portugal), Red Eléctrica de España (España), ONEE (Marruecos), SONELGAZ (Argelia) y STEG (Túnez). Its aim is to analyse the behaviour of the interconnected electricity system of these countries and draw up initiatives to perfect its operation. This organisation has the IESOE Platform, a common web in which detailed and elaborate information on cross-border interconnections of TSOs members is provided.
An international association of European, Asiatic, South African and American Electricity System Operators. Its mission is to exchange information on the present and future system operation practices, with the aim of establishing comparisons and benchmarks.
Formerly named VLPGO (Very Large Power Grid Operators), it is an international initiative which brings together the world’s 17 largest Power Grid Operators, representing together more than 70% of the world’s electricity demand. In 2014 the tenth anniversary of the association was held and its activities were reorganized into four main areas: network of flexible resources, reliability of the grid and security of supply, financial sustainability of the grid and grid intelligence.
Red Eléctrica is a founding partner of this association of the TSOs of the Mediterranean basin whose objectives are to coordinate the development plans and the operation of the electricity grids of the countries of the Mediterranean basin.