We are a global operator of essential infrastructure
The commitments undertaken by Red Eléctrica on sustainability matters are set out in more specific goals for each of the major areas, called "vectors", in which the Company carries out its activities and projects.
Vector | Mission |
Our business | Promote a more efficient and sustainable electricity system through the activity assigned to Red Eléctrica. Adopt and implement measures for the economic sustainability of the Company in the medium and long term, support technological innovation and the development of relationships with the value chain based on social responsibility criteria, with particular attention to shareholders, customers and suppliers. |
Ethics and Corporate Governance | Implement and communicate national and international best practices in corporate governance matters to strengthen trust in our business management. Promote a corporate culture focused on the values and commitments set out in the Code of Ethics. |
Committed to our employees | Favour stable and quality employment through people management based on occupational health and safety, equality and talent development, and geared towards encouraging employee engagement. |
Committed to our society | Guide the relationship between the Company and society towards creating shared value, enhancing dialogue with stakeholders to facilitate integration in the Spanish territory and contribute to social well-being. |
Committed towards our environment | Always act on the principle of protecting the environment, further enhancing the beneficial impacts generated by the activity of the Company on the sustainability of the Spanish electricity system. |
The corporate responsibility plan defines the lines of action through which the Company carries out the commitments undertaken in each area for the period 2014-2016.
Specific Red Eléctrica activities
Usual practices | Activities started | Challenges |
Generic business activities
Usual practices | Activities started | Challenges |
Usual practices | Activities started | Challenges |
Usual practices | Activities started | Challenges |
Usual practices | Activities started | Challenges |
Usual practices | Activities started | Challenges |
The most relevant projects within the corporate responsibility scope are included in the annual programme 2014.
Vector - Our business
- Specific Red Eléctrica activities
- Cost / environmental benefit of the Spanish peninsula-Majorca interconnection.
- Development of agreements for managing disconnections in facilities shared with other electricity companies.
- Implementation of the CARS Project (Safe, Responsible and Agile Driving).
- Research on social networks regarding the attitudes of citizens towards their energy consumption.
- Promoting a programme to raise awareness and bring citizens closer to the electricity system through the use of new technologies.
- Fostering collaboration with associations of small consumers.
- Contribution towards sustainability, security of supply and the competitiveness of the internal energy market.
- Study for the improvement of energy efficiency in substations.
- Development of the e.sios 3.0 website.
- Improvement in the facilities maintenance process through the development and implementation of the MOVIRED project.
- Generic business activities
- Implementation of the corporate monitoring model regarding suppliers.
- Evaluation regarding the impact of the R&D+i projects from a corporate responsibility perspective.
Vector - Ethics and Corporate Governance
- Implementation of an internal regulatory compliance system.
- Drafting of a Corporate Governance policy.
- Awareness plan regarding the Criminal Risk Prevention Programme.
- Awareness plan regarding the Code of Ethics.
Vector - Committed to our employees
- Design and implementation of the new intranet (miRED).
- Design and implementation of new equality indicators (continued from 2013).
- Implementation of the functional mobility action plan.
- Defining a model for a healthy company management system.
- Development of actions to promote the culture of corporate responsibility.
Vector - Committed to our society
- Protocol for relationships with municipalities.
- Map of Red Eléctrica's contribution to society.
- Development of the new section regarding the challenges of the electricity system (Red21) in the exhibition 'A highway behind the wall socket' (phase I).
- Drafting of corporate volunteering projects.
Vector - Committed to the environment
- Prioritisation of the marking activities of Red Eléctrica's transmission lines.
- Using seeds and fragments of oceanic Posidonia for the recovery of areas affected by the activity of Red Eléctrica.
- Inventory of Red Eléctrica's emissions.
- Calculation of the carbon footprint associated with Red Eléctrica's projects.
- Implementation of a programme for retraining staff on environmental aspects in the regional offices.
- The Red Eléctrica Forest.
The most significant projects in the area of corporate responsibility included in the 2015 annual programme.
Specific activities engaged in by Red Eléctrica
NN1 |
Description More efficient mediation with users requesting access and connection to the transmission network via access to REE’s ACRE corporate tool. During the first phase we intend to provide continuous information to agents, with direct access to the status of their ongoing procedures; during the second phase, we will undertake a substantial improvement that will make it possible to manage the relevant issues remotely, such as requests for access and connection. Benefits Making it possible for agents to enquire about the current status of their procedures at all times. Avoiding having to send large amounts of documentation via the ordinary mail, thus improving the efficiency of both the monitoring of procedures and the provision of information, speeding up the exchange of information and reducing the costs and resources associated with storage. |
NN2 |
Description Following the publication of the H2020 plan, a series of meetings with the Autonomous Communities has been planned for 2015, to facilitate dialogue and understanding of the prospects to be assessed during the forthcoming planning periods. Benefits Maintaining continuous technical mediation in the areas of access to the transmission network and its planning, updating development and connection requirements for future horizons and thus coordinating between possibilities and expectations. |
NN3 |
Description Multi-year project to promote sustainable mobility in rural areas. Implementation of 3 recharging posts and 3 electric vans that will be used by the Zamora Mental Health Network. Benefits Increasing awareness of the use of electric vehicles for the transportation of groups of people and recharging possibilities in rural areas. Improving the integration and participation of disadvantaged groups with actions that favour a sustainable environment that respects and supports the community. |
NN4 |
Description Perfecting the coordination of activities in the management of unloading at shared facilities through the establishment of agreements with electricity companies to improve the management of work carried out at facilities belonging to one company that are affected by facilities belonging to another company, or at jointly owned facilities. (This project is a continuation of the project included in the 2014 CR Programme) Benefits Improved safety in the workplace. Improved coordination of work and better relations with companies with which facilities are shared. Reduced periods of unavailability of the transmission network. |
NN5 |
Description Promoting collaboration with small consumer associations, similar to the way relations are currently handled with large industrial organisations, with the aim of identifying joint lines of action that will lead to the creation of a favourable response among residential consumers to opinions on responsible consumption and their participation in demand management programmes. (This project is a continuation of the project included in the 2014 CR Programme) Benefits Helping to create an environment in which responsible consumption is viewed favourably and which encourages participation in demand management programmes among residential consumers, while at the same time increasing Red Eléctrica’s knowledge of consumption patterns in the residential sector. |
NN6 |
Description This project will provide a strengthening of the connection at singular points in the transmission network with the aim of maximising the quality of supply and minimising non-supplied power (NSP). Benefits Increasing the continuity and quality of supply at singular points in the transmission network. |
NN7 |
Description Some power line supports owned by Red Eléctrica are currently in locations in which the easements offering access are compromised by other infrastructure items that have been developed since the power line was installed. This circumstance greatly hinders maintenance, renewal and improvement work on these facilities. The following action will be taken as part of this project: identification of the facilities affected, definition of the best solution in agreement with the stakeholders affected, and implementation of the solutions adopted. Benefits Improving conditions for the completion of maintenance, renovation and improvement work. Reducing the risk of interaction with other infrastructure items. |
NN8 |
Description Establishment of monitoring of automated access to facilities in order to allow authorisation to be granted swiftly and to record the entry and exit of users for subsequent historical analysis. At shared facilities, Red Eléctrica wishes to establish agreements with the joint owners that will allow for the management of access to facilities at which each company manages its own access, and there will be communication between them, on demand. A pilot test was carried out in 2014 at several facilities. The results were satisfactory and have led to the development of a 10-year action plan. Benefits Minimising incidents involving unauthorised access due to simultaneous entries, and increasing safety for both people and facilities. This will also lead to considerable support for and progress in the company's management of the prevention of risk in the workplace. |
NN9 |
Description Evaluation of the technical and economic feasibility of developing a 400 kV transformer with a new design, the main characteristic of which will be the replacement of the mineral oil currently being used as coolant with 97% biodegradable vegetable oil, which will therefore be practically harmless to the environment; in line with the trend already started with lower voltage transformers. This new design will be more sustainable and socially and environmentally respectful, reducing the noise emitted by the transformer under load and, therefore, lessening the noise pollution produced. It will also include monitoring developments that will lead to improved operation and maintenance and optimised leakage levels. Benefits
NN10 |
Description Collaborating on the improvement of the operation, maintenance and effective running of NEPCO (National Electric Power Company) in order to overcome the current problems with supplying demand while at the same time developing the Jordanian electricity market. This project involves 5 main components:
(This project is a continuation of the project included in the 2014 CR Programme) Benefits Achieving a more sustainable system in Jordan, as well as preparing it for the integration of renewables and improving the training of its personnel. |
NN11 |
Description The European Union has established a new set of targets for energy policy for 2030 which are intended to reduce CO2 emissions by 40%, increase production of primary energy from renewable sources to 27% and increase energy efficiency by 30%. The pursuit of these targets must also be sustainable in economic terms. This study analyses the impact of a range of different scenarios that are consistent with compliance with the targets described, evaluating them in terms of the economic sustainability of the electricity sector, the costs involved and the prices borne by the consumer. Benefits This study will offer an evaluation, over a long-term scenario (2030), of economic sustainability in the electricity sector, along with that of Red Eléctrica’s own activities. |
NN12 |
Description Increasing awareness of the importance of identifying the best choice with regard to aspects such as voltage requested, access tariff (general / night-time) and contract type (fixed retail price, personalised retail price, timed retail price or free market). Benefits Encouragement of responsible consumption and savings in employees’ electricity bills. Assisting our colleagues when they have questions relating to their electricity bills. |
Issues relating to our business
NN13 |
Description Collaborating in the continuous improvement of substation maintenance services from Red Eléctrica’s suppliers through an analytical review of the way their services are provided. The scope of this project falls within the actions included as part of the deployment and implementation of the corporate supplier monitoring project (SEPRO). Benefits Obtaining higher quality services, objectivising performance assessments and increasing transparency in the process used to monitor and evaluate suppliers. |
NN14 |
Description Definition and implementation of a methodology to analyse how R&D&I projects contribute to the achievement of corporate responsibility targets at Red Eléctrica in their various forms. Benefits Allowing for the evaluation of R&D&I projects from a corporate responsibility perspective, i.e. being able to determine the advantages or disadvantages raised by these projects based on considerations that go beyond simple technical and economic factors. |
NN15 |
Description Development of a project to improve the Integrated Risk Management System (SGIR) to be implemented over the next two years. The main milestone for 2015 will be improving the definition of the appetite for risk, with development of the system in greater detail based on categories of risk at a global level. The aim of this improvement is to define the levels of risk that the Group is willing to take on in each of its activities at a global level, thus providing the Group’s decision-making and controlling bodies with a better overview and control of the risks assumed by the company. Benefits Gaining greater awareness of the level of risk that the Group is willing to take on, together with the maximum levels of tolerance. This will assist in the degree of sensitivity with which managers are required to perform their duties and manage risk. |
NN16 |
Description With regard to supplies that have an impact on Red Eléctrica, analysing and defining the requirements to be imposed on new suppliers during the classification process and on regular suppliers during the corporate monitoring process (SEPRO). Benefits Improving corporate responsibility issues among Red Eléctrica’s portfolio of suppliers. |
GC1 |
Description The changes that are going to be introduced to the recommendations relating to corporate governance issues during the course of 2015 will make it necessary for the Group to analyse whether its corporate governance practices remain in line with the most recent recommendations in this area. Benefits Ensuring Red Eléctrica’s alignment with the recommendations and tendencies observed at both national and international level in the area of corporate governance. |
GC2 |
Description The principle aspects of Red Eléctrica’s corporate governance policy include the encouragement of awareness of the principles and values that inspire that policy, and it must therefore take the actions it considers necessary or useful in order to ensure that these principles and values are made known to stakeholders in an effective way. Benefits Improving awareness of the Company’s corporate governance policy among stakeholders. |
GC3 |
Description Preparation of guidelines that establish and update the measures implemented by the Company in order to combat corruption, with a view to creating greater awareness of these measures among the organisation’s stakeholders. Benefits Advancing awareness among the stakeholders and members of the Red Eléctrica Group regarding the organisation’s stance on combatting corruption. |
E1 |
Description Redesign and implementation of the new Intranet (miRED 2.0), including improvements to its look and feel and improved functionality. Benefits Providing a focus for and enhancing more collaborative and multidirectional internal communications which encourage participation and facilitate the management of knowledge and the speedy forwarding of information. |
E2 |
Description Definition and development of an integrated model for the management of know-how at Red Eléctrica. The planned projected phases are as follows:
Benefits Promoting and developing a global model for the management of know-how in the company’s key activities. |
E3 |
Description Development of the actions included in the plan of action for functional mobility in order to enhance the skills of individuals, increasing their capacity to undertake multiple tasks and improving their employability. Benefits Developing the skills of individuals, increasing their capacity to undertake multiple tasks and improving their employability, thus bringing the interests of the company and the people it employs closer together. |
E4 |
Description Development of the actions included in the action plan for the disability management model. Important among these is the establishment of the Disability Management Coordinating Group and the Disability Operations Team that monitor the inclusion of disabled employees in internal processes. Benefits
S1 |
Description Using Red Eléctrica’s investment in society beyond its own business activities with the implementation of LBG methodology at Red Eléctrica. Benefits Improving the visibility of Red Eléctrica’s contribution to the community. |
S2 |
Description Design of a new multi-year plan for corporate voluntary work that is aligned with the company’s aims and assists in creating an important impact on society. Benefits Encouraging the development of new skills, employee satisfaction, pride in belonging, team-working, etc., through active participation by employees in corporate voluntary work. |
S3 |
Description Preparation of the 2014 CR Report, in accordance with new Guideline G4, under the “exhaustive” option with independent external revision of the report under standard ISAE 3000 and the IAASB standards, with a moderate level of assurance. Benefits Submitting a report focusing on areas that are critical for Red Eléctrica, areas in which the company could promote a more significant change in terms of economic, social and environmental impact, contributing to an improvement in its response to the information requirements and expectations of stakeholders. |
S4 |
Description The planning and holding of various activities and events with the aim of raising awareness of the importance of light and electricity in today’s world and the important role played by Red Eléctrica over the last 30 years in guaranteeing a continuous and safe supply, as well as its contribution to ensuring sustainable future energy. Benefits Enhancing Red Eléctrica’s role as a key player in contributing to a sustainable future energy supply. |
S5 |
Description The design and development of new statistical information content on the corporate website, with a wider range of information relating to the Autonomous Communities and renewable energies. An in-depth review of the structure and content of the Electricity System Report. Benefits
S6 |
Description As a result of the discovery of the Can Malalt archaeological site during the project phase of the Torrent 132 kV substation, the action taken by Red Eléctrica will allow Ibiza Council to complete excavation, display, management and preservation work and to publicise the site. Benefits Supporting the preservation of our national historical, artistic and archaeological heritage and the archaeological and historical heritage of the Puig d’en Valls area of the island of Ibiza. |
MA1 |
Description Benefits
MA2 |
Description During this phase of the project, which began in previous years, we will continue to define the areas of risk and prepare signage plans for the different autonomous communities. We will also work on improving the signage indicator and defining signage objectives. Benefits
MA3 |
Description Analysis of the visibility of high-voltage power lines. In addition to a digital model of the terrain, the study will consider all the elements that create visual barriers, such as vegetation, buildings and existing infrastructure items. Development of a procedure to make the visibility of power lines an objective parameter that will allow comparisons with alternatives and permit their potential use when analysing alternatives in an environmental impact study. Benefits
MA4 |
Description This project grew from the need to maintain the power lines, given that, since where there were no general environmental rules governing the company’s actions, the company was unaware of the conditioning factors arising from existing cultural heritage items, with the resulting risk of adverse effects, subsequent complaints and delays during maintenance programmes. The collection of this catalogued information will have a direct effect on the prevention of problems, conservation of the cultural environment and a substantial improvement in relations with the authorities that are responsible for this area. Benefits Speeding up annual maintenance planning for the Transmission Network and allowing for individual agreements to be made with the Autonomous Community Cultural Authorities. |
MA5 |
Description The aim of the Sustainable Mobility Plan consists of resolving the problems arising from the daily movement of employees between their homes and their places of work and persuading these employees to use more sustainable forms of transport that have a lesser impact on climate change through the implementation of a series of measures. Benefits
MA6 |
Description Development of a methodology that allows the company to calculate the carbon footprint associated with a specific project. (Work will be carried out on power line projects ion 2015). Benefits Obtaining information on the operations and elements that cause the greatest impact (in relation to climate change) throughout the entire life-cycle of the facility in question. Identifying these aspects will facilitate the proposal of criteria for improvement and allow these criteria to be applied when selecting suppliers and service providers. |
The most significant projects in the area of corporate responsibility included in the 2016 annual programme.
Specific activities of Red Eléctrica
NN1 |
Description Benefits The implementation of this project allows for improved levels of security, availability and flexibility. Furthermore, it represents a cost reduction and an opportunity for the renovation and improvement of transmission grid facilities. |
NN2 |
Description Study of the impact of the use of electric vehicles for maintenance works of facilities on the Balearic Islands by installing a charging infrastructure for this purpose. The proposal is to assess the replacement of vehicles currently used in the region for electric vehicles. The aim is to analyse the results of this pilot test for its implementation, where appropriate, in other geographical areas of work. Benefits Energy efficiency and emissions savings, as well as positive effects on demand-side management (as charging will be performed during valley hours). |
NN3 |
Description This project seeks to define an optimal plan regarding the vegetation treatment cycles based on a methodology of work that provides the optimisation of all cyclic processes related to the treatment of vegetation and that it be carried out under the corporate responsibility principles of Red Eléctrica. It is a multi-year project whose initial phase, consisting of conducting a study of the technological solution to be implemented, began running in 2015. In 2016, it is expected to obtain and validate the overall methodology to be applied and the timetable for the gradual multiannual implementation of this methodology as of 2017, as well as the definition of the conceptual scope from the perspective of development and/or adaptation of the corporate IT applications necessary for its implementation. Benefits This will yield a more efficient maintenance of the vegetation, from an economic point of view as well as from the point of view of safety for facilities and will demonstrate the Company’s corporate responsibility with its contractors and the owners of the plots/land where the maintenance work is to be carried out. |
NN4 |
Description This project focuses on identifying stakeholders in relation to the management process of transmission grid development projects, understanding that the project horizon begins the moment the planning is published and runs up to the moment the facility is commissioned. Benefits In the long-term, an improvement in the relationship with stakeholders and the creation of value, as a result of boosting dialogue with stakeholders, as well as a potential improvement in the management of projects as this would reduce project timelines and encourage amicable agreements. |
NN5 |
Description The main objective is the effective filtering of the water-oil mix existing in the oil storage tanks of the power transformers. To do this, a portable water treatment plant will be developed whose design will be appropriate to the type of waste generated during Red Eléctrica activities and that minimises the waste to be treated upon emptying the oil collection pits, reusing the treated water to try to reach "zero discharge" and reducing hazardous waste by about 90%. Benefits Cost savings, because it would greatly reduce waste oil management existing in tanks (currently the complete mixture containing water and oil is handled as waste). In addition, transport between the treatment plant and substations will be minimised with the consequent reduction of CO2 emissions. Finally, it would be possible to reuse the water once it is clean in water storage tanks and for irrigation. |
NN6 |
Description Conducting of an analysis of the resilience of the transmission infrastructure, which entails designing a response plan for serious incidents. The goal is to determine the degree of preparation of Red Eléctrica to deal with unpredictable phenomena that could seriously affect the capacity of supply and the recovery of facilities. This project is multi-year, and completion is scheduled for December 2017. Benefits Show society the commitment of Red Eléctrica in its mission to ensure the security of electricity supply beyond normal operating conditions and its desire to minimise the impact and reduce the recovery time when faced with serious incidents. |
NN7 |
Description Development of a prototype tool which will enable the identification of average hourly electricity consumption patterns in each type of home and thus facilitate residential consumers with a reference to enable them to know how to manage their consumption. This innovative project will assist demand-side management by providing better information, and will use the aggregated information obtained from the PERFILA Project consumer panel. This prototype will serve as innovative point of departure for future tools in the context of the massive introduction of hourly metering in the residential sector. Benefits
NN8 |
Description Following the publication of the transmission grid planning H2020, a programme of meetings with relevant bodies in 2016 has been established, among which the Autonomous Communities are noteworthy, in order to get to know the expectations to be considered in the coming years or to make revisions to the planning, as well to review the possibilities of renewable generation evacuation. This project began in 2015, albeit in a very limited way as the H2020 planning was not approved until the end of October 2015. Benefits Maintain a permanent corporate dialogue in the areas of access to the transmission grid and its planning, updating regional needs for development and connection in future horizons and thus coordinate between possibilities and expectations and therefore strengthening corporate dialogue. |
NN9 |
Description More efficient communication with users requesting access and connection to the transmission grid through telematic access to Red Eléctrica’s corporate tools. In a first phase, launched in 2015, it aims to provide permanent information to agents with direct access to the status of their requests in process; in a second phase, the goal is to provide a substantial improvement that will allow the telematic management of processes such as the requests for access and connection. Benefits Allows agents at all times the ability to consult the updated status of the processing of their requests. Avoids having to send very high volumes of documentation by postal mail, improving efficiency in the monitoring and information of request dossiers, expediting the exchange of information and reducing the associated costs and storage resources. |
NN10 |
Description Conduct a preliminary analysis necessary to strengthen the CR management system in the Group’s companies in Peru, in line with the Group’s CR policy and strategy. The objective of this project is to deepen the knowledge of the internal and external requirements that will have to be addressed by the management system, through the review of the identification of stakeholders and their expectations and the development of the study of the relevant issues in the field of sustainability (materiality). Benefits It will provide a reference framework which, on the one hand, will reinforce practices already in place and on the other, define lines of action on which to work on in the future, facilitating the development of new ideas and projects. |
Generic business activities
NN11 |
Description Development of an improvement project 2014-2016 of the Comprehensive Risk Management System. The major milestones for 2016 will be the improvement in the analysis of the effectiveness of action plans and controls associated with risks, the implementation of improvements in mechanisms for the communication of new risks and relevant facts and the publication of a balanced scorecard of risk indicators (KRIs). Benefits The achievement of the various milestones of the project will improve the degree of sensitivity with which managers must carry out their activity and manage risks and will provide senior management a more complete and clear view of the risk levels of the Company and their situation with respect to the levels defined as acceptable. Another notable benefit is the possibility of increasing the flow of internal information concerning risks, allowing more effective risk monitoring and providing greater detail. |
NN12 |
Description After the identification of impacts on CR and establishing requirements to mitigate said impacts, a testing phase is to be carried out to assess how these requirements can be applied in order to adapt them to the reality of the set of suppliers that work with the Company. Benefits The project contributes, within the CR scope, to know the level of performance of our suppliers with the ultimate aim of minimising the impacts identified by applying requirements to be fulfilled within the supplier management processes. |
NN13 |
Description The project consist on providing feedback to suppliers regarding their technical bids, in order to develop them so that said tenders are adapted to that which Red Eléctrica requires. Benefits The project contributes to the transparency and improvement of relations with suppliers of construction services and creates value for them as it allows them to perform their work more efficiently, while internally productivity will be improved. |
NN14 |
Description The aim is to establish communication channels with socially responsible equity investors, placing value on the corporate responsibility system of the Company. The project includes specific actions such as participating in a specific seminar on Socially Responsible Investment (SRI). Benefits Increased interest and knowledge of the Company by socially responsible investors, which could lead to their entry into the shareholding structure of the same. |
NN15 |
Description The object of this project is to promote long-term research groups in materials or technologies with a very high potential impact on the activities of Red Eléctrica. Benefits
GC1 |
Description The project aims to deploy in the Company the fundamental elements of the legal compliance system through the development of its regulatory compliance roadmap, the development of models for statuary reporting, and the drafting of the statuary training and awareness actions for the organisation. Benefits It represents a development of the Company’s legal compliance monitoring systems, paying attention to the commitments on ethics management and governance undertaken by the Company. |
GC2 |
Description The launch of the new legal compliance system makes it necessary to adapt corporate regulations to the new system, regulations such as: the criminal risk prevention programme; the Regulation of the Board or the procedure for managing queries and alleged violations of the Code of Ethics. Benefits It implies the harmonisation of corporate regulations with the new legal compliance system to better align the Company with the best management practices in business ethics. |
GC3 |
Description This project is aimed at reducing the impact that a change of the Company’s Chairman or CEO may have on the organisation, ensuring continuity of the Company’s business activities, and reducing in as far as possible the risks or negative effects that may occur due to a change of the Company’s Chairman or CEO. Benefits Prepares the Company so that the possible change of Chairman or CEO be carried out in an orderly and efficient manner and ensuring it does not affect the normal execution of the activities of the Company. |
E1 |
Description This project aims to understand the interests and knowledge that each person employed by the Company has, in order to be able to use this information for functional mobility processes and other talent management processes. Updating knowledge (curricular and/or extracurricular) will be performed via an IT platform accessible to employees to facilitate collaboration. Benefits
E2 |
Description The object of this project is to obtain an assessment of the training actions that goes beyond the perception that the employee has of each course or programme. The system will allow the Company to understand the impact of these actions and also calculate the estimated return on investment (ROI) of the training actions. ROI is to be calculated through indicators linked to criteria of the EFQM excellence model. This will enable us to calculate the ROI at a training level and also for each employee that took part in the training. Benefits ROI calculation will allow a more efficient management of training in the future. |
S1 |
Description This project aims to design and implement a plan, in collaboration with the regional governments, to disseminate the digital educational game "entreREDes" and develop initiatives around it to facilitate the understanding of the functioning of the electricity system in the educational system (informative talks in schools, visits to electricity facilities, interscholastic contests with prizes …) Benefits Provide new digital material (curricular and extracurricular) to teachers of Secondary Education Schools in the form of a game with which to make a review of the topics of core school subjects, combined with questions regarding culture and leisure, and the electricity system, providing information that ranges from the generation cycle to the consumption process. |
S2 |
Description This project includes the various initiatives developed through the corporate volunteering group in Red Eléctrica, ‘EnREDando’, in order to:
MA1 |
Description The objective of this project is to restore a degraded marine area of Posidonia Oceanica grass meadow off the shores of the Balearic Islands, using seeds and fragments of this plant cultivated under laboratory-controlled conditions and transplanted into the sea via a gardening technique. Benefits The project stems from a pioneering project in the entire Mediterranean basin regarding research for the restoration of Posidonia Oceanica germinated and grown under laboratory-controlled conditions and with a core methodology that can be extrapolated to the scientific community. In addition, this project enables a saving of CO2 emissions and supports the goals linked to combating climate change and the protection of biodiversity . |
MA2 |
Description The project is carried out in order to obtain real-georeferenced information of natural habitats of community interest and their conservation status in the area of influence of Red Eléctrica facilities. This characterisation of habitat will make it possible to design strategies to ensure their conservation and at the same time allow proper maintenance of the facilities. Benefits Improving the environment (priority habitats) surrounding facilities enables strategies to be designed for the suitable conservation of areas of high biological value in order to permit the adequate maintenance of facilities. Improving the quality of priority habitats implies a net gain in natural heritage terms. |
MA3 |
Description The project consists of defining a methodology that allows the calculation of CO2 emissions associated to the life cycle of the HV electricity lines. The first part (carried out in 2015) establishes a calculation methodology that takes the essential data of the project as a basis. The second part (2016) is to develop the tool to perform the calculation once the actual data of the project and the construction phase are known. Benefits The calculation of emissions throughout the life cycle of a HV power line makes it possible to identify the phases, materials, processes … that are more emissions-intensive. This calculation is necessary to define and quantify improvement actions regarding emissions. Reducing GHG emissions is one of the main objectives in the field of sustainability. |
MA4 |
Description The main emissions of greenhouse gases in Red Eléctrica are SF6 gas emissions. In 2015 the Company approved its action plan on climate change which includes the objective of reducing gas leaks. In addition, the Company has signed a voluntary agreement with the Ministry of Environment in which it undertook commitments related to the management of the gas. The objective includes the review and definition of the criteria for action in some important aspects of said management. These criteria will be incorporated into the internal regulations or criteria documents as deemed appropriate. The main areas of work are identified:
Benefits Reducing SF6 gas emissions is critical due to their high global warming potential. The definition of control criteria and action plans makes it possible to reduce emissions. |
MA5 |
Description The objective of this project is twofold. On the one hand, gain an understanding of the importance that certain artificial corridors, created as a result of scrub clearance work under electricity lines, have for the behaviour and dynamics of land used by wildlife. And, on the other hand, it will allow this information to be used in the conservation strategy for the brown bear. Benefits Using the safety corridors as corridors for the creation of biodiversity and as a factor to consider in the conservation of the brown bear (species included in the Spanish Catalogue of Endangered Species in the category "in Danger of Extinction"). |