Redeia becomes a new Friend Entity of the Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI)
  • The signing of this agreement was attended by Nieves Olivera, General Director of EOI, and Beatriz Corredor, President of Redeia.
  • This agreement allows Redeia professionals to access EOI training programmes under preferential conditions

Redeia, the global operator of essential infrastructures (former Red Eléctrica Group), and the School of Industrial Organisation (EOI) today signed the EOI Friend Entities collaboration agreement to support the development of the talent and skills of the professionals that form part of the organisation.

The agreement was signed by the President of Redeia, Beatriz Corredor, and the General Director of EOI, Nieves Olivera. This agreement establishes collaboration between the two organisations for the exchange of information, the dissemination of their respective activities and joint work on issues of common interest. 

At the event, the General Director of EOI pointed out the need to sign agreements that place sustainability at the centre of the actions of the organisations. "Committing to this new way of conceiving the economy is of fundamental importance for industry and companies. That is why EOI has stepped up its move towards a sustainable future by committing to organisations with a firm sustainable purpose, such as the alliance established today between Redeia and EOI". 

The President of Redeia stressed that "the ecological transition poses challenges for companies that we can only overcome with the best talent. We do not know what the professions of the future will be, but we do know what kind of knowledge, skills and competencies are needed to transform our economy into a sustainable, fair and inclusive one. Things are no longer the same as they used to be. Now, the labour market demands continuous training. Redeia is clearly invested in this model, with a firm commitment to the development of its professionals".

The aim of the Friendly Entities Programme of the EOI Foundation is to promote and foster a global learning network that contributes to the transformation of the economy and the society with values oriented towards the real economy, innovation and service to society thanks to the effort, skills and competencies of the professionals of the organisations belonging to this environment.

As a Friend Entity of EOI, Redeia will enjoy various benefits, such as access to the resources of the School through the use of its facilities, economic advantages through discounts on training programmes, the identification of professional talent through priority access to the EOI platform and Job Board, and a business update thanks to priority attendance at the more than 300 events and ceremonies organised by EOI each year, among others.

About EOI

The Escuela de Organización Industrial (School of Industrial Organisation, EOI) was founded on 12 July 1955 as a result of an agreement reached between the Ministries of Education and Industry, making it the first business school in Spain and one of the first in Europe. For over 60 years, it has made a decisive contribution to the modernisation of the Spanish economy and industry and has played a leading role in some of the most important milestones in management training in Spain.