We are a global operator of essential infrastructure
- Castilla y León
Since 2013
Training sessions regarding fire prevention and safety in high voltage installations.
Red Eléctrica contributes to the training of the State Law Enforcement Agencies, and other public service personnel, in matters regarding safety in electricity facilities and fire prevention by organising specific training sessions.
Red Eléctrica has been collaborating since 2013 with the Regional Government of Castilla y León to organize training sessions for environmental and forest agents of this autonomous community, to prevent and fight against forest fires associated with interconnection cables and electricity facilities.
On 21 February 2020, the company took part in the presentation of the school awareness campaign “Yo me enchufo a la prevención de incendios forestales” [I am plugged into the prevention of forest fires], which was held in the Fire Room, an educational facility installed in the Fire Defence Centre, in León.
The goals of the educational programme are focused on raising awareness and concern about the value of woodland and sustainable forest management, encouraging active social involvement in the prevention of forest fires.