Geographic scope




Recovery of the Golden Eagle in Galicia

Control and monitoring of young eagles released through the use of satellite-GPS, with the aim of delimiting their territories, causes of  mortality, identifying black spots and studying trends regarding their return to natural areas. This action is part of the programme for strengthening the population of the golden eagle in the Baixa Limia-Serra do Xurés Natural Park and the Recovery Plan for the Golden Eagle in Galicia.

  • A total of 12 eagle chicks have been released since 2011 using the hacking method (placing of young birds – ‘chicks’ - in artificial nests for breeding in the wild until they are able to fly and feed independently).
  • A total of 3 chickens were born since 2013 in the territory of the Natural Park Xurés; a fact that has not happened since 1997
  • 5 breeding pairs have settled in and established their territory, representing a 30-50% increase in the breeding population of the Golden Eagle in Galicia compared to 2008.
  • A total of 13 eagles have been fitted with transmitters (radio-telemetry and GPS satellite).
  • Creation of a supplementary feeding area (‘rubbish tip’), construction of 2 nesting platforms and installatinoof one monitoring camera.
  • Educational programme.