Geographic scope
  • Nationwide


Hello Village

Collaboration with municipalities to promote social well-being. Construction and refurbishment of facilities for social purposes.

Red Eléctrica maintains its commitment with local communities where its facilities are located, through actions that contribute to improvements in the well-being of people and their municipalities, by supporting the protection of basic needs, fostering sport and healthy lifestyle habits, and the conservation of their culture.

Red Eléctrica collaborated with AlmaNatura in 2019 to contribute to the launch of the “Hello Village” social innovation pilot project, that seeks to promote the creation of ecosystems to foster entrepreneurship and social innovation in scarcely populated rural areas, with the aim of connecting up people with entrepreneurial projects in a rural location, with villages willing to welcome them as new residents.

In collaboration with provincial governments in Burgos, Cuenca, Guadalajra, Huesca, Palencia, Soria and Teruel, 50 municipalities were selected according to predefined criteria. The initiative supports 20 entrepreneurs, with viable, sustainable and innovative business ideas, so that they and their families can settle in a village in these municipalities and carry out social projects.