Geographic scope
  • Seville

2019 and 2020

Adaptation of a green corridor in Seville

Collaboration with local government to promote social well-being. Construction and restoration of facilities for social purposes.

Red Eléctrica is committed to the local communities where its facilities are located by collaborating on actions that contribute to improving the well-being of people and their municipalities, and through support for the protection of basic needs, promotion of sport and healthy habits and the preservation of their culture.

Red Eléctrica collaborated with Seville City Council in 2019 to adapt a green corridor between the parks named Infanta Elena and Torreblanca, in the capital of Andalusia.

This collaboration includes a landscaping integration and adaptation project in the green space of the Avenida del Deporte, providing for the creation of new sports and leisure areas, as well as a collection of environmental actions in the Lower Guadalquivir river channel. Provision was also made for replanting trees and improving furniture, gardens and the irrigation network.