Local development

Geographic scope
  • Orense (Galicia)


6th Edition Ribeiro Blues Wine Festival (Orense)

Collaboration with local government to promote social well-being. Support for environmental, cultural and sports activities.

Red Eléctrica is committed to the local communities where its facilities are located by collaborating on actions that contribute to improving the well-being of people and their municipalities, and through support for the protection of basic needs, promotion of sport and healthy habits and the preservation of their culture.

Red Eléctrica supported Castrelo de Miño Town Council in 2018 on the 5th edition of the Ribeiro Blues Wine Festival, held on 10 and 11 August in this municipality in Orense.

This annual festival, bringing together music, wine and gastronomy, is consolidated in Orense’s calendar of summer events, promoting the area and its main resource: the bodegas and the colleiteiros, boutique wineries, of the Appellation of Origin Ribeiro.