We are a global operator of essential infrastructure
The Mayor of Granada, José Torres; the General Secretary of Innovation, Industry and Energy of the Government of Andalusia, Vicente Fernández and the General Manager of the Transmission Division, Carlos Collantes, this morning inaugurated the new El Fargue substation and the 220 kilovolt (kV) line that connects this substation with Caparacena, facilities that will strengthen the meshing of the electricity transmission grid and improve security of supply in the metropolitan area of Granada.
These new facilities represent an investment by Red Eléctrica of 19.7 million euros (10.3 million for the substation and 9.4 for the line), and are considered the first step of the future 220 kV ring of the city of Granada.
El Fargue is a 220 kV GIS substation fully encapsulated and gas insulated (sulfur hexafluoride), a technology that allows significant savings in construction and maintenance costs, and space, as well as increased security.
The line linking El Fargue to Caparacena is a double circuit 220 kV overhead line, and is 19.8 kilometres in length.
Red Eléctrica is the sole transmission agent and operator of the Spanish electricity system, making it a key part of the electricity system operation. It is a company that operates under the principles of neutrality, transparency and independence, and that has a strong commitment to sustainable development through the integration of renewable energy and fostering of projects aimed at promoting energy efficiency and innovation. Its planned investment in Andalusia for the period 2013-2017 is 260.7 million euros, 9% of the national total, which amounts to 3,012 million euros.
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