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Red Eléctrica de España will invest more than 20 million euros in the construction of new electricity infrastructures in the municipality of Baza. The agreement reached with the local Council to strengthen the quality and security of the electricity supply within the area was signed this morning by the Mayor of Baza, Pedro Fernández, and Miguel González, regional delegate of Red Eléctrica in Andalusia and Extremadura.
The planned projects in this municipality of Granada include the construction of a 8.6 kilometre stretch of the 400 kilovolt (kV) double-circuit Baza-La Ribina line, and a 5.3 kilometre stretch of the double-circuit Baza-Caparacena line, also in 400 kV. The project includes, in addition, a new 400 kV transmission substation in Baza.
By virtue of the agreement signed with the Baza Council, Red Eléctrica de España will give to the city council a total of 204,700 euros that the municipal corporation will allocate to different projects of public interest.
Caparacena-Baza-La Ribina axis
These infrastructures form part of the Caparacena-Baza-La Ribina axis that, with an investment in excess of 68 million euros, will link, by means of a 400kV double circuit line the Caparacena substation with a new substation in La Ribina (Almeria), a facility that will handle the incoming and outgoing flows of the 400kV Litoral-El Palmar circuit. The Baza-La Ribina and Baza-Caparacena lines, both in double circuit, have an approximate length of 100 kilometres each.
The new facilities will perform a fundamental function in this section of line, as the Baza substation will be key in increasing the evacuation capacity of renewable energies in the area and the La Ribina substation will play a noteworthy role in the development of the high speed train railway infrastructures.
The investment in this project is just one part of the investment programme of Red Eléctrica de España in Andalusia for the period 2010-2014 and which totals 600 million euros.