Commitment to the protection of cultural heritage
Consolidation work progresses on the Casa Romeu in Sagunto
  • Redeia, Red Eléctrica's parent company, is financing the project via an agreement with the local council.

Consolidation work on the Casa Romeu is progressing at a good pace. The project, financed by the agreement signed between Red Eléctrica and Sagunto Council, will continue throughout the summer, with the aim of "accelerating the execution of the first phase as much as possible".

Redeia will be responsible for most of the financing of this first phase at the Casa Romeu, contributing over €407,000. The council, for its part, will cover the remaining €30,000 with its own funds. "The collaboration between the council and Red Eléctrica is not new. We have been working together for a long time and have already advanced significant municipal projects, such as the Blue Path and the Grau Vell defensive complex," stated Darío Moreno, the mayor of Sagunto.

For her part, Maite Vela, delegate of the Eastern Region of Redeia, Red Eléctrica's parent company, has framed the company's participation in the project as "aligned with generating shared value with the territory", a commitment embedded in the company's the company is committed to in its Comprehensive Impact Strategy. Vela emphasised that in this instance, "the goal is to restore a highly valuable element within the municipality," in collaboration with Sagunto Council, "aiding in the protection of cultural heritage and advancing the shared value policy through which Redeia enhances the social development and well-being of the areas it serves, while also fortifying trust-based relationships with local communities, going beyond the mere duties of its operations."

This initial phase of the construction work on the property entails the repair and consolidation of the building's roof and walls to ensure the stability of the fundamental structure. Subsequently, after the completion of these tasks, the repair of the first and ground floor slabs will proceed. "The main aim is to reinforce the building, prevent material falling, and avoid damage to a structure that is in a very deteriorated state", Moreno explained. "Once these tasks are completed, we can begin the rehabilitation of the building for later municipal use", he added.

Acquired in 2020

Sagunto Council acquired the property, which is the birthplace of José Romeu, commander of the Morvedre militias during the War of Independence, in 2020. The building adheres to the characteristic construction model of an 18th-century palace, with later renovations and conversions into residential units and a commercial space. Given its poor state of preservation, a strict structural consolidation is now proposed to stop further deterioration and prevent potential debris falling onto public areas, until plans are made for rehabilitation and restoration works to preserve its heritage values.