Fundación Haz has once again awarded Redeia the highest category of the fiscal transparency seal
  • For another year, the company won the 't de transparente***' seal for having fully complied with all the evaluated indicators

Redeia has once again achieved the highest category of the fiscal transparency seal, 't de transparente ***.' Fundación Haz is responsible for awarding this seal after evaluating the governance system and transparency practices of IBEX 35 companies to prevent fiscal risks.

The company obtained the highest score in each of the 12 indicators analysed by Fundación Haz regarding transparency and good governance (24 out of 24 points). Redeia's consistent compliance with all the analysed indicators has been observed over the past five years.

The highest category seal, three stars, is reserved for organisations like Redeia that score between 22 and 24 points (90% to 100% compliance).

Among the examined indicators are aspects such as the cooperative relationship with the tax administration, the Board of Directors' role in promoting and supervising good tax practices, and the transparent breakdown of taxes paid and accrued in different countries.

Fundación Haz announced today which companies have received this seal at an event commemorating the 10th anniversary of the first transparency report on the fiscal responsibility of IBEX 35 companies. The event brought together experts and representatives from multiple companies to discuss new trends and challenges related to fiscal transparency and collaborations with tax administrations. One of the participants was Alberto Cánovas, Redeia’s Manager of Fiscal Department, who joined a round table to present good practices in fiscal transparency for listed companies.

The award of this seal recognises Redeia's efforts to disseminate and publish the organisation’s relevant information, making it visible and accessible to all our stakeholders, fully and up-to-date. Redeia's leadership in transparency regarding fiscal responsibility reflects its strong commitment to tax transparency, demonstrated through the information published on both the corporate website and different reports.