The Company has earmarked €200,000 for the execution of this project
Red Eléctrica and the Altura Council, in Castellón, collaborate on the recovery of a forested area in the municipality
La alcaldesa del munipio de Altura, Rocío Ibáñez, y la delegada regional de Red Eléctrica de España en la Comunidad Valenciana, Maite Vela, tras la firma del convenio de colaboración.


Red Eléctrica de España and the Altura Council (Castellón) are collaborating on the recovery of 53 hectares of the ‘La Torrecilla-Puntal de Navarrete’ natural space and the restoration of the Llanos de Gaetano recreational area, both located in the municipality of Altura, in accordance with the agreement signed by the parties for carrying out a biodiversity conservation project that entails the reforestation and restoration of habitats degraded by forest fires.

This initiative of Red Eléctrica kicks off in the Autonomous Community of Valencia and aims to offset the loss of native forested areas affected by the construction of new electricity lines in 2018.

The municipality of Altura was selected by the Regional Government of the Community of Valencia as the place in which the project will be carried out. Red Eléctrica will invest 200,000 euros in the reforestation, using native vegetation, of the 53 hectares of this public highland area that was affected by a forest fire in 2012. The tree planting work will help restore the landscape and the natural habitat for wildlife, as well as contribute to protecting the soil against erosion and the loss of nutrients and organic matter.

The signed collaboration agreement, which will last for a period of two years, also includes the carrying out of informative and environmental education activities in order to help raise public awareness about the importance of protecting natural spaces.

The conservation of natural heritage responds to Red Eléctrica’s commitment to biodiversity as a core principle of the Group’s environmental policy. To this end, the Group promotes the conservation of biodiversity by fostering and driving projects in collaboration with public administrations, environmental organisations and other stakeholder groups. Similarly, biodiversity is one of the Group's priorities in terms of sustainability, understood, in accordance with its 2030 Sustainability Commitment, as the ongoing commitment to sustainability through the creation of shared value for all its stakeholders by carrying out all its the activities in a responsible and sustainable manner.