We are a global operator of essential infrastructure
The operators of our control centres work 24/7 to guarantee, as always, the security of the electricity supply. The Company guarantees this service as it already has two autonomous electricity control centres that are operated by independent teams. However, as an additional measure and to further guarantee a redundant back-up system, the Company has set up a third control centre. These three centres operate with full autonomy.

Our maintenance teams are prepared to carry out necessary corrective actions in the transmission grid and thus ensure the good working order of our facilities both today and in the future. Due to the spread of the virus, the Company has taken additional preventive measures with respect to the teams that operate the Telecommunications Supervision Centre and the Facilities Maintenance Centre, as well as the professionals who are part of the on-call response crews responsible for dealing with possible incidents in the grid.

The Red Eléctrica Group has rolled out a series of preventive measures to safeguard the health of all its professionals in application of the action protocols that the Company has planned and that were implemented from the outset. The Company has implemented teleworking for all employees of the Group whose activity is compatible with their work being conducted from home. In recent years, Red Eléctrica has equipped itself with the necessary technical and human resources that have made it possible for these measures to be undertaken today.