We are a global operator of essential infrastructure
In the case of the European electricity system it is these interconnections which make it not only the largest, but the most robust and secure system in the world. The importance of electricity interconnections is even greater for peripheral countries such as Spain, for which this type of infrastructure becomes a key piece for the development of an adequate electricity system that ensures the security of supply, in terms of quantity and quality, both now and in the future.
To contribute to the knowledge and understanding of the features and functions of electricity interconnections, Red Eléctrica de España has embarked on a new informative project that comprises of a number of documents to be used not only by information professionals, but also for those interested in knowing how the electricity system functions and the various elements of which it is comprised.
In this monograph you can find all the information related to electricity interconnections as well as the latest available and current data.
Consult the infograph where you may consult the particularities of international electricity connections.