We are a global operator of essential infrastructure

All the trends on #Sustainability. Available only in Spanish.

Agenda Pública: blog for debate on Energy Transition. Available only in Spanish.
Beatriz Corredor Sierra, chairwoman.
Carlos Méndez-Trelles García, General Counsel and Secretary of the Board of Directors.
Roberto García Merino, Chief Executive Officer.
Miryam Aguilar, Corporate Director of External Relations, Communication and Territory.
Eva Pagán Díaz, Corporate Director of Sustainability and Research.
Eva Rodicio González, Manager of Internal Audit and Control Risk Management Area.
Concepción Sánchez, General Manager of System Operation Division.
Ángel Mahou Fernández, General Manager of Transmission Division.
Juan Majada Tortosa, General Manager of International Business.
Mariano Aparicio, General Manager of Telecommunications.
Emilio Cerezo Díez, Chief Financial Officer.
José Antonio Vernia Peris, Corporate Director of Transformation and Resources.
Silvia Bruno, Chief Innovation & Technology Officer.
Carlos Puente, Manager of Corporate Development.
Resurrección Barrio Martín, Manager of Corporate Culture and People Management Area.