We are a global operator of essential infrastructure
Recommendation nº 6 of the Spanish Code of Good Governance
The Action Plan of the Committee for the 2019 fiscal year, as provided in Article 18.6 a) of the Board Regulations, contemplates the preparation of an annual activities report, in this case for the 2018 fiscal year, which is the subject matter of this document.
Corporate Responsibility Report provides relevant information about strategy, corporate governance, business development, results and objectives of sustainable management in fiscal year 2017.
Information relating to transactions carried out with related parties in the fourth quarter of 2017 is attached to this report.
The Action Plan of the Committee for the 2018 fiscal year, as provided in Article 18.6 a) of the Board Regulations, contemplates the preparation of an annual activities report, in this case for the 2017 fiscal year, which is the subject matter of this document.
In the Audit Committee’s Annual Action Plan for the year 2018, it is envisaged the elaboration of a Report of the Committee’s Activities performed throughout the year 2017, which is the object of this document.
Report on the independence of the external auditor of Red Eléctrica Corporación, S.A. in fiscal year 2017.
Corporate Responsibility Report provides relevant information about strategy, corporate governance, business development, results and objectives of sustainable management in fiscal year 2016.
Report on the independence of the external auditor of Red Eléctrica Corporación, S.A. in fiscal year 2016.
In the Audit Committee’s Annual Action Plan for the year 2017, it is envisaged the elaboration of a Report of the Committee’s Activities performed throughout the year 2016, which shall be incorporated into the company’s Annual Corporate Governance Report, and which is the object of this document.
The Action Plan of the Committee for the 2017 fiscal year, as provided in Article 18.6 a) of the Board Regulations, contemplates the preparation of an annual activities report, in this case for the 2016 fiscal year, which must be included in the Annual Corporate Governance Report, which is the subject matter of this document.