We are a global operator of essential infrastructure

Born on 16 February, 1954.
Master's Degree in Physics with a specialisation in Automatic Computing from the Complutense University of Madrid (1977).
MBA from the School of Industrial Organisation (Escuela de Organización Industrial) (1978).
Diploma in "Orchestrating Winning Performance" from the International Institute for Manage-ment Development (IMD), Switzerland (2004).
- General Manager of Administration and Finance of Red Eléctrica de España, S.A. unipersonal, Manager of In-ternal Control sitting in permanently at Audit Committee meetings and Manager of the Body in charge of monitoring the Internal Code of Conduct in the Securities Market (2004-2012).
- Joint administrator of Red Eléctrica Financiaciones, S.A. unipersonal (2009-2012).
- Joint administrator of Red Eléctrica Internacional, S.A. unipersonal (2004-2012).
- CEO of Izar Construcciones Navales, S.A. (currently Navantia) (2003-2004).
- Board member of Izar (2001-2004).
- Board member of Agencia Efe (2002-2003).
- Board member of Iberia (2000-2001).
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Patronato Fundación Empresa Pública (1998-2003).
- Manager of Planning and Control of SEPI. Member of its Executive Committee and its Manage-ment Committee (1996-2003).
- Board member of Casa (1994-2001).
- Board member of Indra (1994-1999).
- Board member of Endesa (1997-1998).
- Director of Planning and Control of INI and Teneo S.A. Member of the Executive Committee of INI (1993-1996).
- Board member of Ensidesa (1992-1994).
- Board member of Altos Hornos de Vizcaya (1992-1994).
- Board member of Binter Canarias (1989-1994).
- Board member of Compañía Trasatlántica Española (1990-1993).
- Director of Planning and Monitoring of INI (1990-1993).
- Board member of Endiasa (1988-1991).
- Deputy Director of Planning and Monitoring of INI (1988-1990).
- Chief Risk Officer of Bankinter Madrid (1978-1988).
Name | Esther María Rituerto Martínez |
First appointment | 2022/05/05 |
Re-elections | - |
Last appointment | 2022/06/07 |
Election procedure | General Shareholder´s Meeting |
Position on the Board | Member |
Type of Director | External Nominee (SEPI) |
Audit Committee/post | No |
Appointments and Remuneration Committee/post | No |
Sustainability Committee/post | Yes/Member |
Presence in Boards of other Spanish listed companies | No |