We are a global operator of essential infrastructure

Currently, Chairwoman of Redeia and the Board of Directors of Redeia Corporación S.A.
Born on 1 July. 1968.
Degree in Law from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1991). Appointed via Civil Service entrance examinations to the Spanish Official Body of Property and Mercantile Registrars, Class of 1993. Executive Education – Advanced Business Management Programme. IESE-Business School (PADE-A-2013). Executive Education - Programme focused on ‘Women on Boards of Directors’. IESE-Business School (2015).
- Chairwoman of Redeia and of the Board of Directors of Redeia Corporación S.A.
- Property Registrar currently on authorised leave of absence (more than 25 years of working professionally in the field).
- Vice-Chairwoman of Real Patronato del Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía.
- Mentor of the Fundación Endeavor España (support for high-impact entrepreneurship) (2014-present).
- Member of the Advisory Board of WAS-Women Action Sustainability.
- Member of the Advisory Board of WLW-Women in a Legal World.
- Member of the Academic Council of Norman Foster Institute.
- Member of the Directive Board of Closingap.
- Member of the Directive Board of Women Climate Leaders Network (WCLN).
- Member of the Advisory Board of WomenCEO.
- Member of the Advisory Board of Forbes Women.
- Lecturer and international speaker.
- Member of Parliament for Madrid and Chair of the Committee on Justice. House of Commons. XIII Legislative Period (2019).
- Secretary of the Area of Land Management & Planning and Public Policies on Housing. Federal Executive Committee. Spanish Socialist Worker's Party (June 2017-February 2020).
- Chair of the Pablo Iglesias Foundation (September 2018-February 2020).
- Director of Institutional Relations of the Spanish Official Association of Property and Mercantile Registrars. Member of the Governing Board, responsible for Institutional Relations and of the Press and Communications Office (October 2013-June 2017).
- Secretary of State for Housing and Urban Affairs. Ministry of Development (October 2010-December 2011).
- Chair of the Board of Directors of the State-owned Land Management Company, SEPES.
- Minister of Housing of the Government of Spain (April 2008-October 2010).
- Councillor of the Madrid City Council (September 2007-April 2008).
- Board member of the Municipal Housing and Land Company, EMVS.
Other information of interest:
- Throughout her professional career she has acquired legal-technical knowledge in the following fields of law: real estate, urban planning, civil, commercial/mercantile, mortgage, tax, procedural and administrative, both in the private and public sectors. In addition, she has held positions of responsibility in various areas of the public sector, promoting regulatory measures and legislative processes, with management and supervisory powers in various ministerial departments and in state-owned companies.
- Her experience also extends to the negotiation and shaping of the collegial bodies will, the management of institutional relations at the highest level with national public administrations (Ministries, Autonomous Communities, City/Town Councils) and internationally (EU, USA, Latin America, Russia, Turkey, Singapore), with financial entities and companies in the real estate sector and other industrial sectors and with professional associations, Organisations and NGOs. She has also held interlocution responsibilities with media and press offices.
- In the academic field, it is worth mentioning her experience as adjunct faculty member in the Master's Degree in Access to the Legal Profession at Nebrija University and in the Master's Degree in Real Estate Development at IE University's School of Architecture and Design.
- She has received, among other awards, the Forinvest Award 2022, the Medal of Honour from the Spanish Official Association of Property and Mercantile Registrars (2018), the 2017 ALUMNI Prize from the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid-UAM and the Grand Cross of the Royal and Distinguished Spanish Order of Carlos III presented by His Majesty King Don Juan Carlos I (2010).
Name | Beatriz Corredor Sierra |
First appointment | 2020/02/25 |
Re-elections | - |
Last appointment | 2024/06/04 |
Election procedure | General Shareholder´s Meeting |
Position on the Board | Chairwoman of Redeia and the Board of Directors of Redeia Corporación, S.A. |
Type of Director | Other external |
Audit Committee/post | No |
Appointments and Remuneration Committee/post | No |
Sustainability Committee/post | No |
Presence in Boards of other Spanish listed companies | No |