We are a global operator of essential infrastructure

Born on 25 March 1957.
Graduated in Economics and Business Studies from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Graduated in Mathematics from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Executive MBA from IESE. Chartered Certified Accountant – ACCA.
- Member of the Sustainability Advisory Board of the General Council of the Spanish Association of Economists.
- Member of the Boards of Directors of Mapfre S.A., Advisory Council member, Chairman of the Risk and Sustainability Committee and Audit and Compliance Committee member.
- Member of the Boards of Directors of Mapfre España Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros S.A.
- Member of the Boards of Directors of Mapfre Re Compañía de Reaseguros S.A. and member of the Management Committee
- Member of the Boards of Directors of Mapfre Vida, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros sobre la Vida Humana.
- Member of the Boards of Directors of Hispasat S.A., its Audit Committee and its Appointments and Remuneration Committee.
- Member of the Boards of Directors of Mapfre Global Risks Compañía Internacional de Seguros y Reaseguros S.A. and member of the Management Committee.
- General Manager of Administration and Information Technology and member of the Management Committee of the FCC Group.
- Representative of the FCC Group at the Large-Scale Company Forum of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations.
- General Manager for Internal Auditing and member of the Management Committee of the FCC Group.
- Manager of Internal Auditing of the FCC Group.
- Member of the Advisory Board of the Institute of Internal Auditors and member of the Management Committee.
- General Technical Secretary of InverCaixa, investment management company belonging to La Caixa group.
- Chairman of the Instituto de Contabilidad y Auditoría de Cuentas, ICAC.
- Director of Empresa Nacional de Uranio, S.A.
- Director of Empresa Nacional de Autopistas, S.A.
- Director of Tabacalera, S.A.
- Market Inspection Manager for the Madrid Stock Exchange (Sociedad Rectora de la Bolsa de Valores de Madrid).
- Deputy Manager of Budget Planning and Studies for Radio Televisión Española.
- Manager of the Comptrolling and Accounting Department of Banco de Crédito Agrícola.
- Comptroller and Auditor for General State Intervention.
Other details of interest:
- He was a member of the CNMV (National Securities Market Commission) Work Group for preparing the "Guidelines for preparing the management report of listed companies".
Professor of the Master's Degree in Auditing at Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles.
Name | Antonio Gómez Ciria |
First appointment | 2014/05/09 |
Re-elections | - |
Last appointment | 2022/06/07 |
Election procedure | General Shareholder´s Meeting |
Position on the Board | Yes/Member |
Type of Director | External independent |
Audit Committee/post | Yes/Chairman |
Appointments and Remuneration Committee/post | No |
Sustainability Committee/post | No |
Presence in Boards of other Spanish listed companies | Yes |