Centro de control Islas Canarias

These conditions make these systems less stable and secure than large interconnected systems in which it is possible to guarantee supply at times when peaks in demand occur or when faced with certain situations in which there is a lack of generation, such as the lack of wind required for wind power production or failures and unavailability of grid elements.

To reduce the vulnerability of these electrically isolated systems it is key to incorporate energy storage systems, such as pumped-storage hydropower plant, whose main purpose is security of supply and system security and facilitates the integration of non-manageable renewable generation. Similarly, it is essential to develop new interconnections between islands that allow mutual support between systems and help improve the meshing of the grid in order to have alternative supply paths in case of incidents.

Investments that will drive change in the current energy model

The Canary Island’s electric power system is evolving towards a new energy model, based on renewable energies, that is more efficient and sustainable. The aim is that these locally-available renewable energy technologies, which produce zero CO2 emissions, achieve a greater presence in the coverage of the Islands’ electricity demand and replace other energy technologies based on more expensive and polluting fossil fuels.

To contribute to this progressive change in the energy model, Red Eléctrica is carrying out a major investment plan in order to ...

... ensure a more secure, efficient and sustainable electricity supply:


Investment in the Canary Islands Key actions

Development of the transmission grid: 2015-2020 Infrastructure Planning

Grid Asset Improvement (MAR) project: Improvement of Assets acquired by Red Eléctrica in 2010.

Energy storage: Soria-Chira pumped storage hydroelectric power station

  • Strengthening of the transmission grid meshing to have alternative paths that ensure the security of supply in the event of incidents.
  • Construction of new infrastructure to facilitate the integration of renewable energy.
  • Development of new interconnections between islands, allowing mutual support between electricity systems.
  • Development of energy storage systems to be used as system operation tools to improve the sustainability of the electric power system of the Canary Islands.
  • Improvement of the quality of existing electricity infrastructure.


The electric power system of the Canary Islands is made up of six small-sized electrically isolated systems and a network of electricity infrastructure that is weakly meshed.