In 1999, the Company began its international expansion by investing in electricity transmission infrastructure abroad. This activity is channelled through the companies integrated into Red Eléctrica Internacional (REI), currently with a presence in Peru, Chile and Brazil.

In 2015, an important impetus to the development of the diversification activities of the Red Eléctrica Group occurred as a consequence of significant advances in international business (new projects in Peru and the first project in Chile), the definitive consolidation of the Company’s telecommunications activity (through the creation of REINTEL), and the beginning of the development of energy storage infrastructure in the Canary Islands (through the creation of REINCAN).

In 2019, we are a global operator of strategic infrastructure, we manage electricity transmission grids, fibre optic networks and satellites and promote innovation in the fields of electricity and telecommunications.

Red eléctrica corporación
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of revenue
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Red Eléctrica de España, S.A., founded in 1985 in application of Law 49/1984, of 26 December, was the first company in the world exclusively dedicated to both the transmission of electricity and the operation of the electricity system. The main activity of the Group is conducted in Spain, where Red Eléctrica carries out its functions as transmission agent and operator of the Spanish electricity system.