University of las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Tenerife curricular work experience

Training in the field of energy.

Red Eléctrica collaborates with universities, educational institutions and government bodies to support education and training through practical training actions and participation in courses and workshops regarding the functioning of the electricity system, energy efficiency, smart grids and renewable energy, among others.

Red Eléctrica and the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and University of Tenerife manage of external curricular work experience for first degree and master’s degree students.

The purpose is to facilitate access to the labour market for future professionals and qualified people. It is aimed at young people who have completed their university studies or vocational training or are in their last year of studies.

Geographic scope
  • Gran Canaria and Tenerife


In collaboration with
  • University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and University of Tenerife